Sunday, October 29, 2006

There's Not Enough Trekkies in the World...

Well, I am sad to say that there was not one comment on my last Star Trek trivia question. (My sister did email me with the right answer, but sorry Moo, that doesn't count...) The answer (of course!) is "No First Name No Middle Initial" Data. Man, Ben could tell me how many hairs are growing out of Wayne "The Whiner" Gretzky's mole, but no one could answer a simple triva question pertaining to a beloved Next Generation character. What is the world coming to? Dunno, maybe a really easy one might help. True or False: Spock's ears were pointy. (Sigh...guess I'll be going to the next movie alone...well, except for Francine, but she asks dumb questions all the time so she doesn't count.)


Robbie Sevilla said...

Robbie Sevilla : TRUE TRUE TRUE
Nathan Clarke : TRUE TRUE TRUE

DID we win anything?

Spiderdan said...

Who is Spock?