Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Top Ten Highlights

I guess I really need to make a new post. Here are some updates in the McGonnell household:

1) Danielle had her second(of I'm sure many more) x-ray when she smashed her ankle at school. Nothing broken.
2) Simon took a chunk out of his chin after falling off his tractor (thanks Lisa and Dave...).
3) Hannah made a Wonder Woman costume out of a plastic tiara, her bathing suit, and pink socks.
4) I got a hair cut. Now nobody knows that I have gray hair. Riiiight...
5) Simon fell on Francine and his teeth cut her forehead and now she has a band-aid on it (real spazzy looking).
6) Simon had a day last week when he pooped like 8 times. NASTY!!
7) The girls are home on March Break and are being big helps with the house. They folded laundry today! Thanks girls.
8) I got a Palm organizer. I'll never forget anything again. Now where did I put it?
9) Francine made cream cheese muffins. I bought some extra milk to celebrate!
10) My Dad receive news that his latest CAT scan showed him to be cancer free. God is good!


Harley McCarville said...

That's awesome man ... So glad to hear the news about you Dad ... I'm overwhelmed ... I checked your blogsite fully expecting to see sick people on the couch!!! ... GOD is not just GOOD ... He's GGRRRRRRRREAT!!!

Francine said...

It sounds like you have a really cool wife. You must feel really lucky to have her:)

Ben said...

Very happy to hear about your Dad. Awesome

Spiderdan said...

That is great about your Dad

Darrell said...

I am in agreement to Francines comment... sounds like you have a really cool wife (don't forget to pay me later Francine). Also glad to hear about your Dad, thats great. He has been on the prayer list for a while.
Amen God is Good!

Francine said...

You are smart guy Darrell. I think you'll have to come over again for supper real soon:)

Anonymous said...

Matt, I have to admit, I am reading this at like 1:20 am in the morning, I the stuff about your kids caught me so off guard that I started laughing out loud and shaking....And that is awesome news about your father.

Tyler said...

Haha, those are some good updates! Great to hear about your Dad Matt! I'll be sure to tell mom too.

That francine one really seems to know your wife well!